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6 Principles of The Dandelion Centre

Integrated Health, Prevention and Accountability

The Dandelion Centre delivers courses and events to support individuals and couples seeking to improve and prevent emotional and physical health issues relating to fertility, pregnancy and parenthood. Through networking and training for professionals, the Centre develops and promotes new techniques and research findings in the field of integrated healthcare. The Dandelion Centre is committed to the well-being of future generations.

Dandelion Centre is based upon these 6 principles:

Integrated Healthcare: Healing Mind and Body

The core of the Dandelion Centre’s vision is that mind and body are connected in profound ways. An integrated approach considers that the individual should be treated as a whole person and puts their needs and experience at the centre of how services are organised and delivered. They require collaboration between different professionals who are experts in their fields in providing the most up-to-date techniques and scientific research in fertility, pregnancy and parenthood health.

Influence of the mind on the body

Thoughts, beliefs, attitudes, and emotions can positively or negatively affect biological functioning. This occurs because the nervous, endocrine, and immune systems share a common chemical language. This allows constant communication between the mind and body through messengers like hormones. Emotions like anger, fear, guilt, anxiety, sadness and resentment can trigger increased stress hormones, which over time may suppress the immune system and contribute to the development and progression of physical illnesses.

Mindfulness and psychotherapy are effective ways to identify emotions as they arise, process them, and choose how you respond. When emotions and thoughts are processed, it minimises the impact on your body. Studies have proven that focusing on improving relationships and resolving conflicts in the self and with others are highly effective in supporting any fertility path a person has chosen.

Influence of the body on the mind

The body is a place where emotions are often expressed, usually without our conscious awareness. So when we become more aware and in tune with our body, it allows us greater access to our thoughts and feelings.

Meditation, Mindfulness, Yoga, Tai Chi, and deep breathing exercises are valuable techniques for increasing awareness of the body. A regular meditation or mindfulness practice is a particularly useful way to help the body modulate emotional responses and the accompanying neurochemical patterns that can otherwise flood the body with harmful stress hormones. Yoga and Tai Chi can relieve tension, improve blood flow, and stimulate the release of endorphins from the brain. This in turn improves your mood and reduces the impact of stress. Practice that coordinates the breath with movement is especially helpful in reducing a state of constant hyperarousal, which is detrimental to digestion.

The Brain-Gut Axis

The biochemical and hormonal changes that occur in response to emotional stress have immediate and often persistent impacts on digestive health. This means that our emotions impact on our digestion and vice versa.

Emerging research also demonstrates that the microbes, which inhabit digestive tract, play many important roles in your health. For example, anxiety, depression, and unresolved emotions are often at the root of overeating and poor food choices that can further stress digestion.

This means if you are planning a pregnancy or are currently pregnant, your eating habits not only affect your own emotional and physical health, but that of your baby’s too.


Dandelion Centre provides expert information to support and empower individuals and couples to prevent fertility, pregnancy and psychological issues.

Dandelion Centre provides events to connect healthcare professionals who are experts in fertility, pregnancy, and parenthood to promote a culture of prevention rather than cure.

Sustainability and Social Accountability

Dandelion Centre is a socially and environmentally responsible company that chooses to source, use and recommend sustainable products or services to raise environmental awareness for the welfare of future generations.

Dandelion Centre promotes personal and social accountability with a focus on health prevention for emotional and physical wellness. The Centre provides information, resources and courses to support individuals and couples on their fertility journey.

Dandelion Centre is an equal opportunity service and encourages people of diverse backgrounds to access courses and events regardless of culture, religion, and sexual orientation.

Do you share our vision?

Want to find out how you can improve your physical and mental health, prevent fertility health issues and connect with others who share your vision too? Learn more about upcoming courses and events held at the Dandelion Centre.